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100% Albanian Organic Silver Linden/Lime flowers

100% Albanian Organic Silver Linden/Lime flowers

Common Name: Linden / Silver Linden / Silver Lime

Latin Name: Tilia argentea / Tilia tomentosa

Medicinal Properties: The silver linden flowers has been used for catarrhs, as well as for its diuretic, expectorant, and antispasmodic properties. Its steeped sweet flowers have been used in folk medicine to promote relaxation and relieve symptoms of anxiety. Linden blossom tea is commonly used to treat fevers, colds, upper respiratory tract diseases, rheumatism, as well as several other ailments

Packaging method: Dried (Flowers) 

Place of Origin: Albania

Optimal Harvesting/Gathering Period: June - August

Product Properties: 100% organic, hand-picked.

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